Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Recommended Literature

Recommended literature for adults and children by SHY
1. The Country of the Blind
About perception and reality.
2. A Separate Peace
3. Alice in Wonderland
In this court, we judge you, then start the trial.
4. Amazing Grace
This true story is the backbone of many Christian American Hymns. The story of a slavetrader who repents.
5. Billy Budd
About Envy

`People will admit to fellonious crimes, before they admit to envy.` - That Hikma is worth the Book
7. Charles Dickens/David Cooperfield Studies in English Literature
SHYH has mentioned Uriah Heap at least twice in his speeches (Daajal and the new World Order, Purification of the Heart), once even comparing the Dali Lama to him
8. Chronicles of Narnia
9. Crime and Punishment

10. Dantes Inferno
Dante lumped `userer` (bankers) in with homosexuals - both are unnatural acts. Back when Christianity still forbade Interest.

SHY spoke about the concept `life being like a mountain`, and how this is the physical reality in the book.
12. David Copperfield
How everything is about Domestic Violence
13. Hero with a 1000 faces
How the same archtype hero shows up in every story
14. Jane Austen: The Complete Novels
How most families try to keep their wealth within their family, specifically about the English.
15. Moby Dick
(Herman Melville) Possibly the greatest American Author
16. Selected Short Stories
I will never forget that story (SHY speaking about `The Necklace`)

On further study, I`m not sure if this was recommended.
18. The Brothers Karamazov
How this book is about Domestic Violence

The Greatest Western Writer
20. The Chronicles of Narnia
21. The Civil War: A Narrative : Fort Sumter to Perryville Civil War

22. The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Volume 1

23. The Illiad
Shy quoted Achilles on lieing
24. The Odyssey of Homer
Its an incredible journey home

SHY mentions this book alot, but never really recommends it.
26. The Sea-Wolf
How SHY`s children preferred the book version over the cinematic adoptation.
27. War and Peace

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